Polished Oil, Carbon Cleaner
It penetrates and cleans the oil and carbon deposits on the surface of unpainted metals such as stainless steel and chrome plate. It cleans the carbon layers and heavy oils formed by the effect of heat in food production factories and kitchen equipment. It is used for cleaning all floors by machine or mop on the surfaces that are not affected by water such as PVC, epoxy, concrete, marble, mosaic, tile, chrome vinyl. It is used for carbon deposits formed in the combustion chamber of fuel-powered engines; cleaning of oil and carbon in piston, ring, cylinder, caver heads.
It can be applied by hand sprayers, pressure sprayers, dipping and brush. Wait 3 to 5 minutes after the product is applied. Brushed if necessary, rinsed with pressurized water without allowing the product to dry.
Amount of usage
Light Dirt: It can be diluted with water in the range of 1:5 to 1:10.
Heavy Dirt: It can be diluted with water in the range of 1:10 to 1:20.
For smooth surfaces: Dilute with water at a ratio of 1:10 to 1:25.
WARNING: Do not use on silver plated materials. Do not use on automotive finishes, polished or anodized aluminum.