Reflective Surface Cleaner Spray
Dirty sign scribbles casts a shadow on the environmental aesthetics as well as the external appearance. Cleaning is time consuming and expensive. However, WIPER effectively removes sign scribbles economically in a single and easy operation. WIPER is a fast, effective, easy-to-use, versatile product. It effectively destroys the bad appearance and impression by removing the unsightly and frequently written texts that spoil the aesthetics of various signs. No way has been found yet to prevent the dirt and unnecessary writings on the traffic sign surfaces. However, WIPER is the perfect product for this problem in terms of the raw materials it contains.
After shaking the can thoroughly, spray it on the surfaces from a distance of 20 cm and wait for it to penetrate (maximum waiting time is one minute). Then rinse the surface with water.
Usage areas
Repels varnish and polyurethane paints, many types of felt-tip pen inks, aerosol spray paints, and more.